Athletics at St. Joseph’s Catholic School provide an opportunity for our student athletes to implement their Christian morals and values through sports. Risk taking, hard work, determination, and discipline are just a few of these values. Students that participate and learn these skills will see the benefits as they grow and impact the world around them. Lessons learned from athletics will ripple into every aspect of a student’s life journey and aid them in their pursuit of Christ-like living.
The goals of the St. Joseph’s sports program are to teach students healthy habits, sportsmanship, skills, and self discipline. The sports program is organized by the athletic directors, under the supervision of the principal. There is a fee per student per sport to defray the cost of uniforms, equipment, etc. The following sports, grades 7-8, are offered through this program:
- Girls: volleyball, cross country
- Boys and Girls: basketball, bowling, cross country, golf, track
More information about the Lincoln Catholic League can be found on the league website at
Information concerning the start dates and schedules of these sports can be found at Catholic Youth Sports Informer and will also be made available to your child and emailed to parents.
The Catholic League is a non-competitive league. While score is kept and all participants give maximum effort toward winning, all members of a team get to play. Playing time will not always be equal, but an effort is made to make sure that all members contribute. The Catholic League is always looking for coaches. These are volunteer positions, but practices are only 1-2 times a week and go from right after school until 5:00 or before. If you are interested in donating some of your time to coach our kids, please let Miss Reifenrath know.
We are blessed with a great facility and thus are often asked to host games. Traditionally here at St. Joseph’s the parents have been asked to keep score, book, and take money at the gate. Recently the scope of parental responsibility has been narrowed to taking money at the door. We thank you for your willingness to support our student athletes in these roles.
Fall 2024 Athletic Registration Deadlines:
Miss Reifenrath has sent information about Fall athletic registration deadlines to parents. Forms can be accessed below.
Your Athletic Director:
Anna Reifenrath
Athletic Director, St. Joseph School
Field & Gym Usage Contracts:
Please contact the Athletic Director via email regarding availability prior to filling out a form. The appropriate form(s) must be submitted and approved 48 hours prior to use of the St. Joseph field and/or gym:
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