My name is Amanda Milburn and I am excited to be the new Pre-K teacher for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. I am from a small town in Northwest Ohio so I am, in fact, an Ohio State Buckeye fan. Please don't hold that against me! I am married with 4 children. My husband's name is Starseed, he grew up in Lincoln, and now works for the Department of Homeland Security. We met over 20 years ago while he was serving in the military. We are a Catholic family. Our daughter, Kiana, is a freshman at Pius and our boys - Johnny (7th), Mickey (4th), & Teddy (K) are at St. John's. I have a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education and I have experience working with children needing special education/behavioral services. I have worked as the head Preschool teacher for the Monroe County Intermediate School District in the city of Monroe, Michigan. We used the creative curriculum concept to promote learning through interactive play experiences, songs, small-group observations, and routines. My goal is to make learning fun and efficient! I hope to create an environment that will help children develop a love of learning while providing the foundation to help them grow in their faith. I feel incredibly blessed to be given this opportunity. It truly is a gift to teach, and I will honor this gift every day at St. Joseph's.

God Bless,

Amanda Milburn