— November 01 , 2021
For the Year of St. Joseph, we are doing pilgrimages to spiritual sites that honor St. Joseph as well as touring businesses or groups that so some sort of artisan work.
Our Preschool classes toured the church, visited the Parish office and Rectory, and helped clean up the church:
The Kindergarten through 2nd Grade pilgrimage was to St. Mary Church and Aquinas High School's shop, which builds houses:
3rd and 4th Grades trekked out to Red Tractor Leather at the Czyz property and visited the School Sisters of Christ the King at their Motherhouse:
The 5th and 6th Grade pilgrimage was to the Holy Family Shrine and Trade Well Pallet in Gretna:
Jr. High students made a pilgrimage to Zongker's Custom Woods and St. Joseph Church in Omaha:
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