— January 23 , 2025
Who's excited for Catholic Schools Week? We are!! And we hope you are too! Below is the plan for the week's activities as well as a list for dress-up days to celebrate living the Catholic school life! A downloadable PDF will be available soon.
Catholic Schools: Forming Pilgrims of Hope
CANA – January 25th, 2025
CANA is our Parish’s primary fundraiser to benefit the church and school The proceeds are used to grow and implement improvements in our education program. This event helps ensure a Catholic education is available to every child and is key to achieving our school’s call to loving service and mission of total personal development. This year, a generous donor has agreed to match all CANA donations up to $150,000! Please prayerfully consider making a year-end-donation that will be matched dollar-for-dollar if made by January 25, 2025. All donations are tax deductible. Visit https://one.bidpal.net/cana/welcome.
Celebrating the Community of Our Parish Family
♦ 9:00 a.m. Opening Mass (Youth choir) All students are encouraged to wear uniforms to Mass!
♦ JH announcer at Masses for CSW (7:30, 9:00, 11:00, 5:00)
♦ 10:15-11:15 am Open House and Academic Fair (7th/8th science fair in cafeteria)
♦ 10:15-11:15 am Student Council bake sale (school entrance & cafeteria)
Celebrating the Community Around Us with Service
♦ Each grade level does a service project (letters to seminarians, pictures to Madonna, etc.)
♦ Assembly on Our Lady of Guadalupe Tilma by Scott Watts (K-3 at 9:15 am; 4-8 at 10:00)
♦ 7:00 PM Light the Night holy hour at the Cathedral for FAMILIES. Join Bishop Conley in praying for our Catholic Schools.
♦ Parent Lunches for 1st and 4th grades. Sign-up form HERE.
♦ “We're All on the Same Team - Team Jesus!” – Wear jersey/sports team/religious*
Celebrate the Community of Parents and Volunteers
♦ Students write “Thank You” notes to parents
♦ Jubilee Year of Hope - Jubilee Door class activities
♦ SFA Faculty/Staff Luncheon
♦ Parent Lunches for Kindergarten and Jr. High. Sign-up form HERE.
♦ Talent Show at 2:00 PM
♦ “Holiday” – Wear non-uniform clothing that reflects a favorite holiday*
Celebrating Our Faith Community
♦ Eucharistic Procession after Mass followed by Adoration and 2:55 pm Benediction – Parents welcome! (3rd graders bring First Communion outfits for the Procession.)
♦ Parent Lunches for 2nd and 6th grades. Sign-up form HERE.
♦ “Hats off to Jesus” - Students wear their uniforms OR dress-up for the Lord, including a hat
Celebrating the Community of Our Students
♦ Special Student Activities (determined by teachers)/JH bowling in the morning
♦ Dessert with student lunch
♦ Parent Lunches with Pre-K, 3rd, and 5th grades. Sign-up form HERE.
♦ Volleyball game – 8th grade vs. Staff 2:15-3:00 PM
♦ “Crazy for Kindness” – Wear mismatched clothes*
Celebrating the Community of Our Administration, Teachers, and Staff
♦ Teacher swap option
♦ Jr. High Bowling
♦ 1:00 PM Dismissal
♦ “Choose Your Theme” Classes choose a theme*
Celebrating the Communities of our Families
♦ Morning at the Movies – SFA-sponsored activity for school families. *Students must be accompanied by an adult*
• 8:45 a.m. donuts, coffee, and juice will be available
• 9:30 a.m. free movies begin at East Park Cinema – "The Wild Robot" and "Paddington in Peru"
*Please check the non-uniform portion of the Dress Code LINK for non-uniform guidelines.
+Student Council will sell $1 suckers all week - classrooms will arrange dates/times.
2025 Catholic Schools Week Dress-Up Days
Our school uniforms set us apart and show pride in our school. But who doesn’t like to dress up? The following are guidelines for special dress days during our celebration of Catholic Schools Week. (Students who choose not to dress up with the theme must wear their school uniforms.)
Sunday: Celebrating the Community of Our Parish Family
Uniforms are encouraged at 9:00am Mass, prior to the Open House.
Monday: Celebrating the Community Around Us with Service
“We're All on the Same Team - Team Jesus!” – Wear jersey/sports team/religious
Tuesday: Celebrating the Community of Parents and Volunteers
“Holiday” – Wear non-uniform clothing that reflects a favorite holiday
Wednesday: Celebrating Our Faith Community
“Hats off to Jesus” - Students can wear their uniforms OR dress clothes for our Lord, including a hat
Thursday: Celebrating the Community of Our Students
“Crazy for Kindness” – Wear mismatched clothes
Friday: Celebrating Admin, Teachers, and Staff (1:00 dismissal)
“Choose Your Theme” – Each class chooses their own theme
Please read the following guidelines to students:
Since we are doing a Eucharistic Procession on Wednesday of CSW, we ask for students to dress either in their school uniform that day OR “dress up” for the Lord (think of “Sunday best” or dressing for a wedding or special occasion).
If you choose to dress up, here are the expected guidelines:
- • Skirts and dresses for girls must reach slightly above the knee or lower. Tops of dresses must be modest - no sleeveless or low-cut necklines.
- • Dress shirts and blouses are encouraged. Jerseys, t-shirts, tank tops, sleeveless tops or low-cut necklines are not allowed. Shirts may not be tied up at the waistline.
- • Pants should be dressy pants or nice khakis.
- • Pants not permitted include: jeans; sweatpants/running pants; baggy or saggy pants; pants that are frayed, faded, multi-bleached, stone washed or that have holes; stretch pants, stirrup pants, leggings/jeggings, or pants that are skin tight.
- • Boys may choose to wear a tie.
We want to dress in our beautiful and best as we walk with Jesus!
You may also choose to wear a HAT during the school day, but have it off for Mass, adoration and the procession.
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